RE: Minimizing data volume


At least these two OGC standards might be worth having a look at in this context:

The latter is a Georeferenced Table Joining Service Implementation Standard. In the development of this a lot of thought went in to different kinds of linking of geographical data. Sorry, but I know very little about the GeoSPARQL standard.

The notion of keeping geometry data separate and providing metadata about geometries in standard forms is useful. For vector data, the number of points in the geometry is one of the key attributes an application might consider before pulling that geometry. (Also the size of its representation in bytes - both compressed and uncompressed is useful info too - thanks Leigh.)

So, for vector data, the attributes for individual vectors (almost like features) can be kept separate from the spatial geometries, and some linkage code can be used to join the data together. Yes, there are advantages in terms of storage organisation for keeping attributes and geometries separate, but for many applications some attributes of the geometries are also wanted, this geometrical metadata is important to think about. Computationally some of it can be hard to calculate, so once calculated it is perhaps worth storing in optional metadata.

Individual points with a single attribute, where the point is defined with respect to axes in some geographical coordinate and projection system are simple geo-vectors. Lines built from multiple such points (and equations) are more detailed/complex, yet these can have simply attributed generalised point representations (the location of a smallest circle/sphere encompassing all the points in the line - perhaps with a measure of the radius of this). There are similar things for regional polygons in two and three dimensions.

With lines and points, their geometries can be simplified in other ways which can result in other lines and polygons. Simplifying contiguous polygons to maintain topological relationships is not necessarily straightforward.

The point I am trying to make with the above is that there are multiple different geometries, not a single geometry for a real world object that can be described/defined with RDF. Some of the more generalised forms of the spatial geometries can be calculated and stored as metadata in fixed number of field type table representations. Often so called bounding boxes and bounding circles are use, as are line lengths, perimeters, surface areas, volumes, average distances, and ratios of these geometrical attributes. Based on the geometrical attributes, further attributes can be derived for other attributes (e.g. density).

Consider something complex, like a city. This has multiple geometrical representations.

Two more things:

Geohashes ( which interleave coordinates represented by positions on axes using some predetermined axis order and prescription are useful in the context of linking data - as they are string representations, that the more truncated they are, provide less precision for the location of a point, but they start with the same string sequence.

The other key dimension to think about in geographical relations is time. How time relates to all this is important, but this email is already long, so all I will sate is that a city now could be very different to a city some years ago (in terms of spatial dimension/geometry), yet in some ways they are the same place. There are ways to derive (very) complex geometries of ephemeral events, you could consider one, like the Olympic games.

HTH and sorry for the long post.


From: Frans Knibbe | Geodan []
Sent: 10 September 2013 11:11
To: Leigh Dodds
Cc: public-lod community
Subject: Re: Minimizing data volume

On 9-9-2013 16:48, Leigh Dodds wrote:


Before using compression you might also make a decision about whether

you need to represent all of this information as RDF in the first


For example, rather than include the large geometries as literals, why

not store them as separate documents and let clients fetch the

geometries when needed, rather than as part of a SPARQL query?

Geometries can be served using standard HTTP compression techniques

and will benefit from caching.

You can provide summary statistics (including size of the document,

and properties of the described area, e.g. centroids) in the RDF to

help address a few common requirements, allowing clients to only fetch

the geometries they need, as they need them.

This can greatly reduce the volume of data you have to store and

provides clients with more flexibility.



Yes, that is something to consider. Thanks for broadening my mind! I think such an approach may be suited for certain kinds of high volume data, like images or video. But I do have some doubts about its effectiveness for geographical data:

1) In geographical data sets geometries typically have different sizes. Some may be very big, others may be reasonably small. So where to draw the limit?

2) When using SPARQL and RDF it is already possible to provide summary statistics and leave it to the client to fetch the geometries if needed. However, it is not standard practice to provide summaries like centroid, bounding box or coordinate count for each geometry, but perhaps it should be.

3) On the surface, this approach seems to add complexity to data retrieval, for both clients and servers. Instead of one way of publishing and getting data, there will be two ways.

4) Having to fetch geometries one at a time, instead of processing them all from one data set, could complicate matters and also introduce some loss of performance. I can imagine this method working well for things like images, videos or files, because they are typically used one at a time. But in many cases geometries should be available all at once, to draw on a map for instance.

5) I think most geometries are stored as attribute data in relational databases. Preprocessing them to make them available as separate files can be done offline. But in other cases the geometries are transient, they could be generated by a function in a query. The method should work with performance gains in those cases too.


On Mon, Sep 9, 2013 at 10:47 AM, Frans Knibbe | Geodan

<><> wrote:


In my line of work (geographical information) I often deal with high volume

data. The high volume is caused by single facts having a big size. A single

2D or 3D geometry is often encoded as a single text string and can consist

of thousands of numbers (coordinates). It is easy to see that this can cause

performance issues with transferring and processing data. So I wonder about

the state of the art in minimizing data volume in Linked Data. I know that

careful publication of data will help a bit: multiple levels of detail could

be published, coordinates could use significant digits (they almost never

do), but it seems to me that some kind of compression is needed too. Is

there something like a common approach to data compression at the moment?

Something that is understood by both publishers and consumers of data?



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