Re: representing hypermedia controls in RDF

Hi Markus,

> You probably already expected me asking this :-) Why not Hydra [1]?

Ah, there you are! Welcome ;-)

>> - representing hyperlinks in RDF (in addition to subject/object URLs)
> hydra:Resource along with hydra:Link covers that:

And it does it the way I like: resource-oriented!

Yet, the semantic gap I need to bridge is on the level of predicates.
None of the Hydra properties [1] have hydra:Link as range or domain.
So how to connect a link to a resource?

More or less like:
<a href=""></a>
On the human Web, we do this all the time:
<a href="">Daft Punk</a>
The difference of course with the Semantic Web is that the identifiers need to be URIs, not labels.

I guess a seeAlso would do, (but then again, seeAlso probably applies to anything):
dbpedia:Daft_Punk rdfs:seeAlso wikipedia:Daft_Punk.

However, I really want something stronger here.
But perhaps usual hyperlinks are not interesting enough,
as they can actually be represented as predicates (= typed links):

dbpedia:Daft_Punk :hasArticle wikipedia:Daft_Punk.

>> - representing URI templates [2]
> It's covered by hydra:IriTemplate:

Now this case is much more interesting than simple links :-)

Same semantic problem for me though:
what predicates do I use to connect them to my resource?
For instance:

</users> :membersHaveTemplate :UsersTemplate.
:UsersTemplate a hydra:IriTemplate;
                         hydra:template "/users/{userid}".

So what I actually need is the equivalent of hydra:members,
but then with a template as range.
Should we discuss take this to the Hydra list? I'd be interested!
(Also, have you considered hydra:template's range as something more specific than xsd:string?)

>> - representing forms (in the HTML sense)
> In Hydra this is done by a combination of hydra:Operation, hydra:expects and
> hydra:supportedProperties, see

I like example 10 in that regard, but I'm stuck at predicates again:
how to connect the Link to the resource it applies to?

> Btw. for those who don't know, there's a W3C Community Group working on Hydra [2].

I should be more active there. Perhaps this is a starting point!



Received on Thursday, 21 November 2013 14:03:50 UTC