Re: representing hypermedia controls in RDF

Hi Martynas,

> - URI templates: Linked Data API vocabulary

Cool, I do like that. Have you thought about extending to RFC6570?
Do you know about usage of this vocabulary?

The one thing that I like less is the notion of endpoints.
While this is perfect for SPARQL, which is indeed an endpoint
or “data-handling process” that expects a “block of data” [1],
it does not work well in resource-oriented environments.

I’m looking for predicates that work with groups of resource, such as:
</topics/Global_Warming> :belongsTo </topics>.
</topics> a :ResourceList;
	      api:itemTemplate "/topics/{topicID}".
That is, I don't consider there to be a "topics" endpoint;
instead, there is a "topics" resource which lists several topics,
and individual topics can be accessed by ID.
The reason I would still need the template is because /topics/ is not exhaustive,
and new elements can be created by following the template.
This would be equivalent to a HTML GET form.

> - HTML forms: RDF/POST encoding

Interesting, thanks!




Received on Wednesday, 20 November 2013 15:52:56 UTC