AW: Which datatype to use for time intervals


Milorad wrote:
> I was wandering maybe someone have any advice how to approach
> modeling the following construction that is in my opinion closely related to
> your question but stated in somewhat more general manner:

Thanks for your pointers.  Before this discussion turns into a forum on how to _model_ temporal resources, I'll just throw in that I'm not looking for an owl ontology or any kind of elegant data model, but just a simple datatype that I can use like this:

my:event ex:tookPlaceDuring "2007-03-01T13:00:00Z/2008-05-11T15:30:00Z"^^some:datatype . # The interval is an ISO 8601 expression for from-to

Is there any known datatype I can use for "some:datatype" in the example above? I want to keep it simple...



Received on Tuesday, 12 November 2013 15:43:04 UTC