Call for EU Project Networking @ ESWC 2013

EU PROJECT NETWORKING SESSION @ ESWC2013. May 28, 2013. Montpellier, France.

The EU project networking track of the ESWC2013 will provide an opportunity for
* Knowledge sharing among EU projects
* Presentation and discussion of project results with ESWC participants
* Networking with officials from the European Commission

The project networking track is intended to provide EU projects with the ability to connect with each other and engage in discussions about their respective research and development, establish opportunities for knowledge and technology sharing, and identify complementary activities and goals which can form the basis for future collaborations, research proposals, researcher exchange or joint participation at events or in initiatives. EC officials will be present for related discussions.

Projects willing to participate at the session must submit a 2-page extended abstract (PDF, Springer LNCS style). The abstract should introduce the EU funded R&D project, briefly describe its R&D activities and goals, outline what the project would show / demonstrate in the session and specify what the project expects to gain from networking with other projects (what it offers, what it is looking for). 

Submissions will be evaluated by a separate Program Committee. There will be a limited number of places for EU projects in the networking space. Decisions about acceptance will be based on relevance to ESWC2013, tangible innovation and uniqueness in the R&D activities and a clear goal to benefit from networking with other projects.

Submission will be through the Easychair system:

Abstract submission deadline     		April 26th, 2013, 23:59 Hawaii Time
Notification of acceptance/rejection 	May 2nd, 2013
EU Project Networking Session		May 28th, 2013, 4:30pm - 6:00pm (presentations and bilateral discussions) and 6pm-10pm CET (posters, co-located with the poster session)

Projects accepted for participation in the project networking track must register at least one representative for the conference and be present with their demo and poster.

Achim Rettinger, KIT, Germany
Project Networking Session Chair

Received on Monday, 11 March 2013 13:58:06 UTC