Re: Matching same ressources but with varying URL schemes (http / https)

On 04/07/2013 17:45, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
> On 7/4/13 11:49 AM, Olivier Berger wrote:
<snip to Olivier's question:>
>> For instance, I'd like to match as "identical" two doap:Projects
>> resources
>> which have "same" doap:homepage if I can match
>> http://project1/ and https://project1/
<snip to Kingsley's response:>
> Conclusion: just leverage RDF semantics, forget about regexing anything,
> and you have a first-class demonstration of what RDF actually adds to
> Linked Data :-)

Kingsley, I think you misread the question.

   doap:homepage a owl:InverseFunctionalProperty .
   :SomeThing doap:homepage <http://project1/> .
   :AnotherThing doap:homepage <https://project1/> .

will not infer:

   :SomeThing owl:sameAs :AnotherThing .

The two values for doap:homepage are different. The question is how to 
normalise/canonicalise/sameAs the two homepage URIs (which are identical 
up to http/https/trailing slash, etc.), as a lead up to making that 

@Olivier, I'd propose to put a script between your sources and your 
store that applies a manual normalisation of the URIs. Caveat emptor: 
the URIs *are* different so although normalisation might seem like a 
great idea in some cases, it could also easily conflate things that are 
actually different. Be particularly wary of the trailing slash case.


Received on Thursday, 4 July 2013 18:12:51 UTC