Re: Personae

Hi Alex,

The WAI ontology may suit your modeling requirements [1]. It is an
extension of the FOAF ontology introducing the notion of
"person-as-role" (i.e., qua-individuals). Hope this helps!




2013/1/3 Kingsley Idehen <>:
> On 1/3/13 10:18 AM, Alexander Dutton wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Here's a modelling question.
>> Suppose I advertise a vacancy (or publish a webpage, or write a book),
>> and that thing is in some way linked to me (contact person, author).
>> Suppose further that I want to go by another name (e.g. I'm Iain [M]
>> Banks), or don't want people to contact me by phone.
>> I can quite easily create a foaf:Person, exposing just the details that
>> are pertinent in the context in which it will appear. However, there's
>> no way to link it to me.
>> What I'd like is:
>> :vacancy oo:contact :persona .
>> :persona a persona:Persona ;
>>    foaf:name "Mr Dutton" ;
>>    v:email <> ;
>>    persona:personaOf :alex .
>> :alex a foaf:Person ;
>>    foaf:name "Alexander Dutton" ;
>>    foaf:mbox <> .
>> Even better if I can use it to present two talks at a conference wearing
>> two different hats:
>> :talk-one a ex:Talk ;
>>    rdfs:label "Science!" ;
>>    ex:givenBy :alexQuaEmployedByAperture .
>> :alexQuaEmployedByAperture a persona:Persona ;
>>    foaf:name "Alexander Dutton" ;
>>    persona:personaOf :alex ;
>>    persona:qua [
>>      a org:Membership ;
>>      org:member :alex ;
>>      org:organization :aperture ;
>>      org:role [
>>        a skos:Concept ;
>>        skos:prefLabel "eccentric scientist"
>>      ]
>>    ] .
>> etc.
>> Does this exist? Has anyone done it differently/better? Should I just
>> get on and make it?
>> Yours questioningly,
>> Alex
> I suggest you just crack on with your modelling. Once done, publish it.
> Ultimately, it can be cross referenced with other related ontologies, as you
> or others discover them.
> What you shouldn't do is procrastinate on the basis of an existing ontology
> :-)
> Happy New Year to everyone !
> --
> Regards,
> Kingsley Idehen
> Founder & CEO
> OpenLink Software
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Received on Thursday, 3 January 2013 16:12:26 UTC