Re: Personae

On 1/3/13 10:18 AM, Alexander Dutton wrote:
> Hi all,
> Here's a modelling question.
> Suppose I advertise a vacancy (or publish a webpage, or write a book),
> and that thing is in some way linked to me (contact person, author).
> Suppose further that I want to go by another name (e.g. I'm Iain [M]
> Banks), or don't want people to contact me by phone.
> I can quite easily create a foaf:Person, exposing just the details that
> are pertinent in the context in which it will appear. However, there's
> no way to link it to me.
> What I'd like is:
> :vacancy oo:contact :persona .
> :persona a persona:Persona ;
>    foaf:name "Mr Dutton" ;
>    v:email <> ;
>    persona:personaOf :alex .
> :alex a foaf:Person ;
>    foaf:name "Alexander Dutton" ;
>    foaf:mbox <> .
> Even better if I can use it to present two talks at a conference wearing
> two different hats:
> :talk-one a ex:Talk ;
>    rdfs:label "Science!" ;
>    ex:givenBy :alexQuaEmployedByAperture .
> :alexQuaEmployedByAperture a persona:Persona ;
>    foaf:name "Alexander Dutton" ;
>    persona:personaOf :alex ;
>    persona:qua [
>      a org:Membership ;
>      org:member :alex ;
>      org:organization :aperture ;
>      org:role [
>        a skos:Concept ;
>        skos:prefLabel "eccentric scientist"
>      ]
>    ] .
> etc.
> Does this exist? Has anyone done it differently/better? Should I just
> get on and make it?
> Yours questioningly,
> Alex

I suggest you just crack on with your modelling. Once done, publish it. 
Ultimately, it can be cross referenced with other related ontologies, as 
you or others discover them.

What you shouldn't do is procrastinate on the basis of an existing 
ontology :-)

Happy New Year to everyone !



Kingsley Idehen 
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Received on Thursday, 3 January 2013 16:03:30 UTC