Re: Is the same video but in different encodings the owl:sameAs?

Dear all,

>> The most reasonable
>> thing to do seems to introduce some sort of proxy object, on top of
>> which statements can be made.
> I prefer this. It feels FRBR-ish [2][3] although that's not quite right. (Are the individual videos items, and the proxy object a manifestation?)

I completely agree with this approach. Indeed, I'll not call it a
proxy object, it is a separate entity to be taken into account if we
follow back the copyright value chain of the individual video files.

I would recommend something like FRBR or the Copyright Ontology
Creation Model (

By the way, the Creation Model is compared to FRBR and other
approaches in:


Roberto García

Received on Thursday, 5 December 2013 22:45:22 UTC