Re: SPARQL, philosophy n'stuff..

On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 9:46 AM, Claus Stadler
<> wrote:
> For example:
> "Show me projects, corresponding partners in France and their amount of
> funding". Whats missing in SemMap is just adding UI elements that add
> sorting and aggregation to the generated SPARQL query. (Yes, Freebase can do
> that too).
> Now show me how you would do that with a REST API ;)

GET /projects?partners=fr&extrafields=funding HTTP/1.0

along with a form and supporting declarative metadata describing the
relationship between the two pages in play (the form and the result
page from submitting the form).

More generally, I think an old blog post of mine about REST and SPARQL
is still bang-on about why we haven't, and won't ever, see SPARQL
endpoints being anything other than a niche offered either by those
who can afford to run such a service, or published privately to

The economics of publication are just drastically different between
exposing a RESTful interface, and exposing a query language.


Received on Thursday, 18 April 2013 14:22:26 UTC