Fwd: Temporal analysis or RDF graph data

Hi Vishal,

if you are interested in modeling temporal information by using the RDF
data model you can find all the information in this paper [1].
Together with some colleagues of mine we have provided in this work all the
possible approaches for modelling temporal information and we also provide
a classification in there.
What you are looking for in the paper we call it metadata-based

For more information you can contact me or one of the other authors.


1. http://iswc2012.semanticweb.org/sites/default/files/76490481.pdf

DISCo, University of Milano-Bicocca
Phone: +39  02 64487916
Email: anisa.rula@disco.unimib.it

Received on Wednesday, 31 October 2012 19:04:06 UTC