Re: Introducing the Knowledge Graph: things, not strings

+1 & +1
On 18 May 2012, at 13:18, Steve Harris wrote:

> Hi Dave,
> On 2012-05-17, at 16:56, David Wood wrote:
>> Hi Steve,
>> On May 17, 2012, at 11:18, Steve Harris wrote:
>>> On 2012-05-16, at 23:09, David Wood wrote:
>>>> Still, Kingsley is right, too.  We are certainly busier than we have ever been, with no clear end in sight.  That's positive.
>>> It would feel much more positive if I thought we were trying to solve the right problems. It would be much easier to know if I knew what the right problems where though.
>> The problems we are solving for our customers are:
>> - Data sharing (sometimes for its own sake, such as governmental transparency) that avoids proprietary formats/licenses/products.
>> - Enterprise application creation (using Linked Data to abstract away from proprietary storage technologies).
>> - Enterprise application integration (using Linked Data to share application state).
>> Those constitute the "right" problems for us because they address defined needs.
> 100% agreed, but I wasn't being at all clear in my meaning. My head was in a different space.
> I was thinking more of the way in which we're developing the semantic web technology stack as a community - I'm not sure we really have these goals in mind most of the time but, at least to me, they are the important problems we can solve with these technologies.
> - Steve 
>> Regards,
>> Dave
>> --
>> David Wood, Ph.D.
>> 3 Round Stones
>>> - Steve
>>> -- 
>>> Steve Harris, CTO
>>> Garlik, a part of Experian
>>> 1-3 Halford Road, Richmond, TW10 6AW, UK
>>> +44 20 8439 8203
>>> Registered in England and Wales 653331 VAT # 887 1335 93
>>> Registered office: Landmark House, Experian Way, Nottingham, Notts, NG80 1ZZ
> -- 
> Steve Harris, CTO
> Garlik, a part of Experian
> 1-3 Halford Road, Richmond, TW10 6AW, UK
> +44 20 8439 8203
> Registered in England and Wales 653331 VAT # 887 1335 93
> Registered office: Landmark House, Experian Way, Nottingham, Notts, NG80 1ZZ

Hugh Glaser,  
             Web and Internet Science
             Electronics and Computer Science,
             University of Southampton,
             Southampton SO17 1BJ
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Received on Friday, 18 May 2012 13:05:19 UTC