Re: NIR SIDETRACK Re: Change Proposal for HttpRange-14

On Thu, 2012-03-29 at 01:37 +0100, Norman Gray wrote:
[ . . . ]
> Thus as it stands, the term 'information resource' in [1] has no
> implication (beyond incidentally reiterating that the 200-retrieved
> content is a (REST) representation of the resource).
> However, the point of introducing the term is, I've always taken it,
> that it licenses the client to jump to some conclusions.  These
> conclusions aren't spelled out anywhere, but (unless you're being
> whimsical) they're things like 'this is a document', or 'this is a
> network thing', or 'this is not a squawking macaw which will squeeze
> out of the ethernet port and crap on my keyboard'.  What those
> conclusions materialise as in practice surely _depends on the
> application_ which is processing the resource.

Exactly.  And that is precisely why the UDDP Proposal use the term
"information resource" but explicitly leaves its definition
As I mentioned elsewhere, the term is not needed, and could be
eliminated entirely.  But it does provide a convenience for applications
that wish to make additional assumptions based on an HTTP 200 response.

David Booth, Ph.D.

Opinions expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily
reflect those of his employer.

Received on Thursday, 29 March 2012 17:23:18 UTC