Re: See Other

On 2012-03 -28, at 21:25, Jesse Weaver wrote:
> On Mar 28, 2012, at 6:44 AM, Hugh Glaser wrote:
>> Executive summary:
>> TAG, please don't come back with something that does not allow, or even encourage, sites like Facebook to offer RDF back in return for:
>> curl -L -H Accept:application/rdf+xml

They could do that - and "maybe 301 moved to the page

>> PPS
>> If you read through to here, or even if you just skipped to here, then if you really do send me your Facebook LD URI (along with one of more other ones to pair it with), I will drop everything and put them in :-)

I see I have had it for a while in my FOAF file
from which pointing tabulator at it I see all thee are identifiers for me:

and there is a seeAlso to the machine-editable
foaf file 

> Proponent: "I found a way to meaningfully publish our already-published data as Linked Data, and I've implemented a prototype."
> Developer: "Since you've already done it, let's take a look."
> Proponent: "Okay, go to [link]."
> Developer: "Hmmmm... [skip discussion about Turtle vs. RDF/XML].  Everything looks okay, except I notice these URIs have #me at the end.  Why?  Can't we just lose the fragment?"


Well, that's the local identifier.   The way the web works is
you take the local identifier in a file, stick the URI of a the file and hash
in front of it and you've got yourselves.

Developer:   What, you mean like if I have a python program 
with  some function defined like    def foo(x,y)    then on the 
web that would be   ?

Proponent: You got it.

Developer: Wow, cool -- so the web is just a way of making global identifiers
for things in files in various languages? 

Proponent. Basically. Yes. Absolutely.

Developer: Does it work for python?

Proponent:  No, not yet.

Dev: What does it work for?

Prop:  RDF, HTML, Multimedia in general, XML ... maybe I am missing some

Dev:  Just those?

Prop: Well, in the RDF world there are lots of languages which reference the same things, 
like other syntaxes like Turtle and RDF/XML, and more powerful languages like N3,
and SPARQL and so on.  So the RDF world is pretty big.

Dev: But I can't mix those, right, I can't call a python function from HTML?

Prop: No, as they are different things -- a type mismatch if you like. 
HTML is a markup language for hypertext, not programming language like Python.
But there is crossover.   You can embed RDF in HTML with RDFa, so the same
document can defined HTML things and RDF things.

Dev: What are HTML things? 

Prop: They are anchors, or any part of a document with an ID.

Dev.  <A> tags. Of course. Hmm.    But RDF is, like knowledge, right, it can say stuff
about *anything*.

Prop: Yes.

Dev: So I can make statements about HTML anchors? 

Prop:  Yes.

Dev: And about python functions?

Prop: The moment a version of python comes out with a a spec for how localids work on the web,
yes, totally.

Developer: :-)   Ok, well.... oh, by the way, in RDF I've seen people use an empty local id. Is that OK?

Proponent.  Well, yes, RDF doesn't specifically ban it, but lots of languages, perhaps
future languages would have a hard time representing it.   You can imagine.
And HTML has special rules about what the empty local identifier means, and so on.
Best keep away from it.

Dev: Yes, you can't really have empty strings for identifiers in most of my favorite 
languages!    ok, thanks, this all makes a lot more sense.  So instead of  <#> those
folks should just use <#it>?  

Prop: The perfect choice.   

Dev: Ok, thanks it all makes a lot more sense when you look at it like that.

Prop.  You're welcome.  You're leaving?

Dev: Yes.. gtg ... though I'd code up a version of python which allows you to
call things by global identifiers... hey, it would be pretty powerful... hang on a sec..
[exit L with laptop]

Received on Wednesday, 28 March 2012 22:19:32 UTC