Re: Change Proposal for HttpRange-14

On 25 March 2012 20:26, Tim Berners-Lee <> wrote:
> On 2012-03 -24, at 00:47, Pat Hayes wrote:
> I am sympathetic, but...
> On Mar 23, 2012, at 9:59 AM, Dave Reynolds wrote:
> The proposal is that URI X denotes what the publisher of X says it denotes,
> whether it returns 200 or not.
> And what if the publisher simply does not say anything about what the URi
> denotes? After all, something like 99.999% of the URIs on the planet lack
> this information. What, if anything, can be concluded about what they
> denote? The http-range-14 rule provides an answer to this which seems
> reasonably intuitive. What would be your answer? Or do you think there
> should not be any 'default' rule in such cases?
> Exactly.
> For example, To take an arbitrary one of the trillions out there, what does
>  identify, there being no RDF in it?
> What can I possibly do with that URI if the publisher has not explicitly
> allowed me to use it
> to refer to the online book, under your proposal?
> Pat

Just to follow up on this specific example with the current actual details:

(aside: in my mailer I'm replying to TimBL but all the most recent
text seems attributed to Pat; maybe some mangling occured?)

I can't see a mechanical way to find this, but I happened to know

...which guides us to and via
http 302 from there to
<p>The document has moved <a

it uses   xmlns:pgterms="" and
other vocabs to say, amongst other things,

  <pgterms:ebook rdf:about="ebooks/2701">
    <dcterms:creator rdf:resource="2009/agents/9"/>
    <dcterms:description>See also Etext #2489, Etext #15, and a
computer-generated audio file, Etext #9147.</dcterms:description>
    <dcterms:license rdf:resource="license"/>
    <dcterms:publisher>Project Gutenberg</dcterms:publisher>
    <dcterms:rights>Public domain in the USA.</dcterms:rights>
        <dcam:memberOf rdf:resource=""/>
        <rdf:value>Adventure stories</rdf:value>
        <rdf:value>Ahab, Captain (Fictitious character) -- Fiction</rdf:value>
        <rdf:value>Epic literature</rdf:value>
        <rdf:value>Sea stories</rdf:value>
        <rdf:value>Whales -- Fiction</rdf:value>
        <rdf:value>Whaling -- Fiction</rdf:value>

  <pgterms:agent rdf:about="2009/agents/9">
    <pgterms:name>Melville, Herman</pgterms:name>

I found this by finding the item number 2701 from inspection of the
original link, and plugging it into the metadata template from their
human-oriented documentation . The RDF I found makes assertions about
various related URLs and things, but nothing that ties directly back
to the initial URL. Worse, we've not even any evidence that the RDF
doc and the other docs are in the same voice, same publisher, or
author etc.

Seems a great shame they went to the trouble of publishing quite a
rich description of this fine work, and yet it's not easy to find by
the machines that could make use of it.


Received on Sunday, 25 March 2012 23:00:26 UTC