Re: Change Proposal for HttpRange-14

Thanks James.
Sorry, I don't count that as an App - it doesn't actually do anything useful for a user.
(You may consider that unfair, but I did say sorry!)

In fact, I think your discussion illustrates the issue.
You don't like the RDF it defines (and it ain't pretty), but would it break anything downstream?
If I look for foaf:name it must be a person and if I look for xhv:stylesheet it must be a document.

I certainly would not recommend this (I think), but it isn't a problem.

On 23 Mar 2012, at 19:23, James Leigh wrote:

> On Fri, 2012-03-23 at 16:12 +0000, Hugh Glaser wrote:
>> So my question here is to people who have built a real app that consumes LD, by which I mean something in use every day by someone other than the builder and their friends - preferably where someone paid you to do it.
>> ***Would your app break under this proposal?***
> I didn't built it, but I believe this app breaks.
> RDFa Distiller and Parser
> Consider an 200 response with some RDFa 1.0 like this:
> <html xmlns=""
>    xmlns:foaf="">
> <head>
> <base href=""/>
> <link rel="stylesheet" resource="style.css"/>
> <title>Me</title>
> </head>
> <body typeof="foaf:Person">
> <h1 property="foaf:name">James</h1>
> </body>
> </html>
> The triple it produces are:
> <> a foaf:Person ;
>     xhv:stylesheet <> ;
>     foaf:name "James" .
> The xhv:stylesheet property makes no sense to apply to a person and the
> typeof foaf:Person makes no sense to apply to a document. How is an RDFa
> parser suppose to know which properties are for the document and which
> are for the person?
> I am not saying everyone should care to distinguish them (real data will
> always be dirty), but using the same identifier for both the person and
> the document should not be the recommended approach.
> Regards,
> James

Hugh Glaser,  
             Web and Internet Science
             Electronics and Computer Science,
             University of Southampton,
             Southampton SO17 1BJ
Work: +44 23 8059 3670, Fax: +44 23 8059 3045
Mobile: +44 75 9533 4155 , Home: +44 23 8061 5652

Received on Friday, 23 March 2012 19:41:52 UTC