Re: Change Proposal for HttpRange-14

2012/3/23 Giovanni Tummarello <>

> 2012/3/23 Sergio Fernández <>:
> > Do you really think that base your proposal on the usage on a Powder
> > annotation is a good idea?
> >
> > Sorry, but IMHO HttpRange-14 is a good enough agreement.
> yup performed brilliantly so far, nothing to say. Industry is flocking
> to adoption, and what a consensus.


'Brilliantly' is an understatement :)

And we're probably still only towards the beginning of the adoption cycle!

I dont think, even the wildest optimist, could have predicted the success
of the current architecture (both pre and post HR14).

Received on Friday, 23 March 2012 13:48:17 UTC