Re: [lod2] World Bank Linked Data

On 12-03-16 02:19 PM, Hugh Glaser wrote:
> Hi Sarven,
> That's great.
> I have added your owl:sameAs links to
> (I read your Terms of Use, which seemed to a allow it, but if you want I can remove them.)
> (
> Really gives a sense of the linkage in the LD cloud on countries.

What can I say other than, thank you :)

If I were to stick to a super restricted view on owl:sameAs and the fact 
that the country resources are just concepts (as I claim them to be 
skos:Concepts), it should use skos:exactMatch to DBpedia's country 
resource. To keep the LOD crowd happy and slightly loosen the view on 
the relationship between the two resources, I went ahead with 
owl:sameAs. Either way has its pluses and minuses and that burden is 
unfortunately dumped on the consumer. If there is an intelligent way to 
go at it while keeping a great number of people happy, I'd be glad to 
update things accordingly from this end.


Received on Friday, 16 March 2012 16:23:04 UTC