Re: Reuse

Nice for /us/ to reason the relatedness of these properties (and to the 
standard ones we were already using - rdfs:label, rdfs:comment, 
foaf:depiction, etc.), but those who saw fit to make things 'easier' are 
stuck with the proliferation...


On 20/06/2012 19:52, Aidan Hogan wrote:
> On 20/06/2012 18:58, Barry Norton wrote:
>> Does the fact that Web users now need to mark up their pages with
>> *og:description*, *schema:description* /and/ *twitter:description* not
>> make anyone in those communities think that maybe /this/ one had a point
>> in the first place?
>> And that maybe this proliferation is actually /harder /to manage than
>> dealing with (shock horror) multiple namespaces?
> Did someone say reasoning?!
> Cheers,
> Aidan
> P.S.,

Received on Wednesday, 20 June 2012 19:16:04 UTC