Thanks to Tom Baker!

As it has been send to different lists (sorry for cross-posting) the Spanish translation[1] of the final documents of the W3C LLD are already available at.

This mail is just to make a special mention to Tom Baker who has read the Spanish version and has made some useful comments.

¡Muchas gracias, Tom!


Xavier Agenjo Bullón
Director de Proyectos
Fundación Ignacio Larramendi
Claudio Coello, 123, 1º
28006 Madrid
Telf.: (34) 915 81 25 37
Fax.:  (34) 915 81 47 36<><>

Certificado ISO 9001.
 P No imprimir si no es necesario. Protejamos el Medio Ambiente

Received on Tuesday, 21 February 2012 16:42:25 UTC