Graduate and PDF openings in biological informatics & semantics

Graduate Research Opportunity
Biological Informatics
Center for Plant Biotechnology and Genomics (CBGP)
Technical University of Madrid (UPM)

(Please pass this message on to anyone who might be interested, and feel  
free to re-post in other relevant mailing lists)

I have openings for 3 Ph.D. and 1 PDF level trainee in my new laboratory  
at UPM, Madrid, Spain.

My laboratory's research revolves around:

1)  The application of ontologies to the automation of biological  
analyses, primarily through the automated discovery of, and correct  
assembly of, Web Services into analytical workflows.

2)  Overcoming "the well-known knowledge acquisition bottleneck" through  
attempts to construct ontologies using crowd-sourcing and data-driven  

3)  Exploring the relationship between ontologies and hypotheses, with  
respect to both automated in silico hypothesis evaluation and comparison,  
and the formalization of scientific discourse using OWL.

Madrid is home to a thriving informatics research community!  The  
laboratory will be based in the newly constructed Center for Plant  
Biotechnology, directly adjacent to the Supercomputing and Visualization  
Center of Madrid, providing excellent opportunities for collaboration with  
the HPC groups at that Center, as well as with the well-established  
Ontology Engineering Group in the Faculty of Informatics, UPM, and with  
bioinformatics researchers at Madrid's National Institute for  
Bioinformatics (INB).

...and just imagine... doing linked-data and semantic web research without  
privacy constraints!  ;-)

Please send questions, CVs, and expressions of interest to me by email:

Best wishes all!


Dr. Mark Wilkinson
Associate Professor, Medical Genetics
PI Biological Informatics
Institute for Heart + Lung Health, St. Paul's Hospital
Vancouver, BC, CANADA

Received on Wednesday, 8 February 2012 19:04:04 UTC