Re: News Ontology

Adding to Bob's list with which I fully agree

In the namespace used for time ontology is not correct. is 404. Bing.

The time ontology is indeed specified by
But the namespace is

... speak about good URI practice in W3C specs ;-)

Bob is using cute prefixes pns, pna etc.
I'm using them as "recommended prefixes" at where I just started adding them.
(not quite sure if they are in the right vocabulary space, though ...)



2011/9/8 Bob Ferris <>

> Hi Jarred,
> at a first glance, here are my remarks:
> 1. pne:Event, pne:sub_event seem to be a bit duplicated. I guess,
> event:Event, event:sub_event are enough.
> 2. pne:title can be replaced by, e.g., dc:title.
> 3. pns:Person can be replaced by foaf:Person.
> 4. pns:Organization can be replaced by foaf:Organization.
> 5. pns:worksFor can be replaced by rel:employedBy [1].
> 6. pns:Lcoation can be replaced by geo:SpatialThing
> 7. Re. the tagging terms, I would recommend to have a look at the Tag
> Ontology [2] or similar (see, e.g., [3])
> 8. Re. biographical events I would recommend to have a look at the Bio
> Vocabulary [4], e.g., bio:birth/bio:death.
> 9. pns:label can be replaced by dc:title (or rdfs:label).
> 10. pns:comment can be replaced by dc:description (or rdfs:comment).
> 11. pns:describedBy can be replaced by wdrs:describedby [5].
> 12. Re. bibliographic terms I would recommend to have a look at the Bibo
> Ontology [6], e.g., bibo:Image (or foaf:Image), or the FRBR Vocabulary [7],
> e.g., frbr:Text.
> 13. pna:hasThumbnail can be replaced by foaf:thumbnail.
> ...
> Please help us to create 'shared understanding' by reutilising terms of
> existing Semantic Web ontologies.
> Cheers,
> Bo
> [1]**relationship/employedBy<>
> [2]**projects/tags/<>
> [3] http://answers.semanticweb.**com/questions/1566/**
> ontologyvocabulary-and-design-**patterns-for-tags-and-tagged-**data<>
> [4]
> [5]**powder-s#describedby<>
> [6]
> [7]**core# <>
> On 9/8/2011 3:48 PM, Jarred McGinnis wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> The Press Association has just published our first draft of a 'news'
>> ontology (_**ontology_<>).
>> For each of the ontologies
>> documented, we've included the motivation for the ontologies as well as
>> some of the design decisions behind it. Also, you can get the rdf or ttl
>> by adding the extension. For example,
>> <http://****rdf<>
>> >gives
>> you the ontology described at**ontology/asset/<>..
>> Have a look at the ontology and tell us what you think. We think it is
>> pretty good but feel free to point out our mistakes. We will fix it. Ask
>> why we did it one way and not another. We will give you an answer.
>> Paul Wilton of Ontoba has been working with us at the PA and has spelled
>> out a lot of the guiding principles of this work at
>> The reasons behind this work were talked about at SemTech 2011 San
>> Fransisco:
>> http://semtech2011.****
>> cfm?confid=62&proposalid=4134<>
>> <http://semtech2011.****
>> cfm?confid=62&proposalid=4134<>
>> >
>> Looking forward to hearing from you,
>> *Jarred McGinnis, PhD*

*Bernard Vatant
Vocabularies & Data Engineering
Tel :  + 33 (0)9 71 48 84 59
 Skype : bernard.vatant


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Received on Thursday, 8 September 2011 17:33:15 UTC