Re: create HTML based on RDF?

Hi Frans,

You can check RDF2HTML+RDFa here:


Roberto García

On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 1:02 PM, Frans Knibbe <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am continuing my efforts with publishing Linked Data. I am trying to that
> step by step. I have now managed to publish data in static RDF files. Also,
> I have managed to configure my web server to do 303 redirection, returning
> either a HTML file or the RDF file, depending on the client request. I
> understand that it is good practice to offer a HTML representation of the
> data if the client is unable to handle RDF.
> I notice that it would be really helpful if I could automatically generate
> HTML files based on the RDF files. That way I can focus on just keeping the
> RDF file in good shape. After creating or editing an RDF file I could run
> something that makes a HTML representation.
> Is anyone aware of software that can be used to automatically export a RDF
> file to a HTML file that looks nice in an internet browser? Or isn't this a
> common problem? I have to admit that I might thinking in the wrong way about
> this.
> Regards,
> Frans

Received on Friday, 6 May 2011 14:18:35 UTC