Re: Squaring the HTTP-range-14 circle

On 13 Jun 2011, at 13:41, Richard Cyganiak wrote:

> I want to use these URIs as identifiers in my data, and I have no intention of redirecting through an intermediate blank node just because the TAG fucked up some years ago.

The TAG did not f.up as you say, and you can do what you want anyway. 

- http:// URLs with 200 responses do point to information resources.
- you can use those the way you wish to indirectly refer to you. Just change your vocabulary if you do.

> [snip]
> <>
>    a foaf:Document;
>    dc:title "Richard Cyganiak's homepage";
>    a foaf:Person;
>    foaf:name "Richard Cyganiak";
>    owl:sameAs <>;
>    .

so instead of using foaf:knows to relate a person and a document, create a docfriend ontology and have it relate a 
document that describes you to a number of attributes about you

<> a foaf:Document;
    docfriend:name "Richard Cyganiak";
    dc:title: "Richard Cyganiak's homepage";
    docfriend:knows <> .

Then you just need rules such as 

{ ?pg docfriend:name ?nm } <=> { ?pg foaf:primaryTopic ?p . ?p foaf:name ?nm } 

and you can convert between the two. You don't of course need to use the bnode inducing foaf ontology, but can
stick to your docfriend ontology. You just will notice of course that there cannot be more than one person talked of per such page. A restriction you will find it difficult to convince some people to abide by.

This discussion is really of no importance, and is just a great time waster on the semantic web. I would suggest people go and build apps that work, that are used and that are viral: where every person who uses it increases the value of the network, gets others to join and use the data. 


> There.
> If your knowledge representation formalism isn't smart enough to make sense of that, then it may just not be quite ready for the web, and you may have some work to do.
> Best,
> Richard

Social Web Architect

Received on Thursday, 16 June 2011 19:35:25 UTC