Re: in RDF ...

On 12 Jun 2011, at 18:34, Pat Hayes wrote:
>>> What do we say when the range of a property is supposed to be, say, people, but its considered OK to insert a string to stand in place of the person?
>> Well, I can define a class that contains both people (in the foaf:Person sense) and names of people (that is, string literals).
> Of course. But you didn't, did you? You (that is, said that the range of the property was one of these and NOT the other. Which is what I was complaining about.

Where is it said that the range is one and not the other?

Citing from the FAQ [1], which has the same answer I gave earlier here in the thread:

>> Q: documentation explicitly say that you can use a text instead of a Thing/Person/other type, why is this not reflected in the RDFS?

>> A: That's ok—we didn't say that schema:Thing is disjoint from literals, so you can use a string when the declared range is schema:Person. (We were tempted to add “xsd:string rdfs:subClassOf schema:Thing.” to capture this bit of the documentation, but narrowly decided against it.)

So I think it's all ok.



Received on Sunday, 12 June 2011 18:13:39 UTC