Re: Quick reality check please

(catching up)

On 2 Apr 2011, at 19:54, Hugh Glaser wrote:
>> 1. xsd:string in RDF must die. It's one of those completely and utterly useless pieces of rubbish that litter the RDF specs.
> Perhaps you could tell us what you really think :-)
>> 2. If you publish in multiple languages, then perhaps it's a good idea to include a plain literal in a “default language” without a language tag, to make SPARQLing easy.
> So I would guess from this that it could be that some documents could be adjusted to recommend this sort of thing.
> Certainly for 2; is it the case for 1 that technically there should be a type?

The first issue is on the agenda of the new RDF WG:

With the second issue it's not so clear what to do about it. It's a question of good practice, and I'm not aware of any document where that recommendation could be easily added.


Received on Friday, 8 April 2011 12:23:20 UTC