Re: How To Do Deal with the Subjective Issue of Data Quality?

On 4/7/11 11:36 PM, Patrick Logan wrote:
>> I believe Data Wikis will go long way to crowd sourcing data reconciliation.
>> >  Of course, for that to happen you need access control lists (ACLs) and
>> >  verifiable identity, which is why the WebID protocol (an application of
>> >  Linked Data) is so important to this whole topic of subjective data quality.
> I am not familiar with that, but I'll look at it. Off the cuff, I have
> doubts an ACLs are appropriate for the web, where the nature of URLs
> seems to have a built-in affinity to a capability-based access
> control.

By Data Wiki I also imply the ability to read and write data (in triple 
form re. Linked Data variety) to and from  Addresses (URLs) where WebID 

1. Verifiable Identity
2. ACL functionality that leverages Trust Semantics .

Thus, like Wikipedia, folks create data at will and naturally debate 
controversial items. But unlike Wikipedia this isn't about blurb, 
solely. It's about raw data and the zeitgeist around each data object. 
All of this make conflict resolution somewhat easier to handle, at least 
relative to Wikipedia, mailing lists, and other realms with 
discussion/conversation dimensions.



Kingsley Idehen	
President&  CEO
OpenLink Software
Twitter/ kidehen

Received on Friday, 8 April 2011 11:32:27 UTC