Re: Way to generate LOD cloud diagram Interlinking Stats from the Virtuoso OpenSource SPARQL endpoint named graphs?

Hi Richard,

You appear to be correct about versions. The public site is running the
ubuntu package which is a little order.

 I have a private instance that is running the compiled version and that
does not have a problem with the AS.

I am updating the data set on that machine so that the two match and then
will run the query you sent to get the latest info.


- Pete

On Thu, Sep 9, 2010 at 10:39 AM, Richard Cyganiak <>wrote:

> Peter,
> On 9 Sep 2010, at 02:54, Peter DeVries wrote:
>> I was wondering if anyone has figured out a way to generate the LOD
>> interlinking (InLinks/OutLinks) stats from a Virtuoso OpenSource SPARQL
>> Endpoint.
> I used this one here a lot. It makes use of Viruoso's awesome built-in
> function library. Unfortunately it doesn't work on your endpoint, complains
> about the AS in the SELECT clause. Old Virtuoso version?
> Richard
> PREFIX owl:  <>
> PREFIX skos: <>
> SELECT ?domain_s ?domain_o (COUNT(*) AS ?count)
>    {
>        SELECT (bif:regexp_substr("http://([^/]*)", STR(?s), 1) AS
> ?domain_s) (bif:regexp_substr("http://([^/]*)", STR(?o), 1) AS ?domain_o)
>        WHERE {
>            { ?s owl:sameAs ?o }
>            UNION
>            { ?s skos:exactMatch ?o }
>            UNION
>            { ?s skos:broadMatch ?o }
>            UNION
>            { ?s skos:narrowMatch ?o }
>            UNION
>            { ?s skos:relatedMatch ?o }
>            UNION
>            { ?s skos:closeMatch ?o }
>        }
>    }
> }
> GROUP BY ?domain_s ?domain_o
>> The two named graphs I am most interested in are:
>> <urn:org:linkedopenspeciesdata:dataspace:taxonconcept> *taxonconcept*
>> <urn:org:linkedopenspeciesdata:dataspace:geospecies>    *geospecies*
>> *
>> *
>> On this endpoint
>> Thanks!
>> - Pete
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>> Pete DeVries
>> Department of Entomology
>> University of Wisconsin - Madison
>> 445 Russell Laboratories
>> 1630 Linden Drive
>> Madison, WI 53706
>> TaxonConcept Knowledge Base <> / GeoSpecies
>> Knowledge Base <>
>> About the GeoSpecies Knowledge Base <>
>> ------------------------------------------------------------

Pete DeVries
Department of Entomology
University of Wisconsin - Madison
445 Russell Laboratories
1630 Linden Drive
Madison, WI 53706
TaxonConcept Knowledge Base <> / GeoSpecies
Knowledge Base <>
About the GeoSpecies Knowledge Base <>

Received on Thursday, 9 September 2010 21:18:41 UTC