Re: Next version of the LOD cloud diagram. Please provide input, so that your dataset is included.

On Sat, Sep 04, 2010 at 11:32:59AM +0200, Dan Brickley wrote:
> As a vocabulary manager, it is pretty hard to understand the costs and
> benefits of possible changes to a widely deployed RDF vocabulary. I'm
> sure I'm not alone in this; Tom (cc:'d) I expect would vouch the same
> regarding the Dublin Core terms. So if there could be some view of the
> new cloud diagram that showed us which blobs (er, datasets) used which
> vocabulary (and which terms), that would be really wonderful. On the
> Dublin Core side, it would be fascinating to see which datasets are
> using and which are using
> (and which are using both). Similarly with
> FOAF, I'd like to understand common deployment patterns better.  I
> expect other vocab managers and dataset publishersare in a similar
> situation, and would appreciate a map of the wider territory, so they
> know how to fit in with trends and conventions, or what missing pieces
> of vocabulary might need more work...


Data on common deployment patterns would be great!

If connecting vocabularies with specific datasets were
visually too ambitious, then as a first approximation there
could perhaps be a separate vocabulary cloud reflecting the
relative numbers of triples using the various vocabularies,
along with links reflecting the co-occurrence of specific
vocabularies with others within datasets -- a broad-brush,
aggregate view of vocabulary deployment patterns.

Tom Baker <>

Received on Saturday, 4 September 2010 15:02:44 UTC