Re: CORS Enabled - Update

Hi Nathan,
excellent work!

> Likewise, we're looking for all ontologies to be CORS enabled, if  
> they're not then js clients can't reason and have no awareness of  
> your great ontologies.

A nice side-effect of the need for CORS support is that one can easily  
distinguish living, actively supported ontologies from abandoned PhD  
thesis components ;-)

In fact I think that any of the prototypes for search engines for  
ontologies should show this property (but please check the feature at  
the current download location for namespaces, for the known  
reason, i.e. resolve the ontology URI to the final redirect and carry  
out your check against that URI).


On 28.10.2010, at 02:31, Nathan wrote:

> Hi All,
> We've created a page at detailing how  
> to get CORS enabled and also existing services, sparql endpoints,  
> datasets and ontologies that are all javascript accessible. There  
> will also be a full website dedicated to this in the near future  
> (thanks to Micheal Hausenblas) which will hold this information,  
> more, and tools to test.
> If you see anything missing, or have anything to add, please do  
> update the page or send give me a nudge and I'll update for you.
> Reminder, we want to be able to color everything in the lod cloud  
> diagram [1] green to signify that it's javascript friendly. Thus, if  
> you have if in your control to CORS enable any of these data sets,  
> please do and let us know :)
> Likewise, we're looking for all ontologies to be CORS enabled, if  
> they're not then js clients can't reason and have no awareness of  
> your great ontologies.
> Best & many thanks for the fantastic effort and quick turn around so  
> far,
> Nathan
> [1] 
> datasets_2010-09-22.html

Received on Thursday, 28 October 2010 07:51:56 UTC