Re: Travel ontology/vocabulary

Hello Juan, Martin.
maybe you know also some datasets based on this ontology?

On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 11:43 PM, Martin Hepp <> wrote:

> Hi Juan:
>  Can somebody recommend me an ontology/vocabulary to describe travel,
>> accommodations, etc? The only thing I can find is the travel ontology that
>> is used for tutorial purposes in Protege.
> For rental cars, boats, bikes, etc., the best choice is likely the VSO:
> See examples there.
> For any kind of tickets for transportation and events, there will be the
> TIO ontology soon (not yet released) and for accommodation, there will be a
> hotels etc. ontology, both specializing GoodRelations. Both should be
> available shortly.
> The domain ontology for hotels etc. will only be needed to model the hotel
> room features etc. in more detail.
> Note that you can directly model any kind of rental offers with
> GoodRelations, using
> foo:offer a gr:Offering ;
>    gr:hasBusinessFunction gr:LeaseOut.
> ...
> Interesting properties for your purpose are
> gr:advanceBookingRequirement (relative pre-booking period)
> gr:validFrom (Booking period)
> gr:validThrough
> gr:availabilityEnds (Period of the stay)
> gr:availabilityStarts
> gr:availableAtOrFrom (link to the locations)
> gr:eligibleDuration (time interval - number of days, min/max)
> Here is a quick sketch of modeling a hotel in GoodRelations:
> @prefix gr: <>.
> @prefix default: <>.
> @prefix xsd: <>.
> @prefix rdfs: <>.
> @prefix foaf: <>.
> # Company
> default:HotelUniBwLtd
>  a gr:BusinessEntity ;
>  gr:legalName "Hotel UniBw Ltd." ;
>  foaf:page <> ;
>  gr:hasPOS default:HotelUniBw ;
>  gr:offers default:SpecialChristmasOffer.
> # Location
> default:HotelUniBw
>  a gr:LocationOfSalesOrServiceProvisioning ;
>  rdfs:label "Hotel Neubiberg".
> # Offering
> # We rent double rooms for 99 EUR / night
> default:SpecialChristmasOffer
>  a gr:Offering ;
>  gr:validFrom "2009-12-20T00:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; # this is the validity
> of the offer, not of the room
>  gr:validThrough "2010-01-06T23:59:59"^^xsd:dateTime ;
>  gr:hasBusinessFunction gr:LeaseOut ;
>  gr:includes default:SomeDoubleDeluxeRooms ;
>  gr:hasPriceSpecification default:SuperRate ;
>  gr:acceptedPaymentMethods gr:Cash , gr:MasterCard.
> # Price
> default:SuperRate
>  a gr:UnitPriceSpecification ;
>  gr:hasCurrency "EUR"^^xsd:string ;
>  gr:hasCurrencyValue "99.00"^^xsd:float ;
>  gr:validFrom "2009-12-20T00:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
>  gr:validThrough "2009-12-20T23:59:59"^^xsd:dateTime ;.
> # Room
> default:SomeDoubleDeluxeRooms
>  a gr:ProductOrServicesSomeInstancesPlaceholder ;
>  rdfs:label "Double Deluxe Room".
> Martin
> On 18.10.2010, at 21:10, Juan Sequeda wrote:
>  Hi Everybody
>> Can somebody recommend me an ontology/vocabulary to describe travel,
>> accommodations, etc? The only thing I can find is the travel ontology that
>> is used for tutorial purposes in Protege.
>> Thanks!
>> Juan Sequeda
>> +1-575-SEQ-UEDA

Received on Monday, 18 October 2010 23:45:58 UTC