Re: Travel ontology/vocabulary

Hi Juan:

> Can somebody recommend me an ontology/vocabulary to describe travel,  
> accommodations, etc? The only thing I can find is the travel  
> ontology that is used for tutorial purposes in Protege.

For rental cars, boats, bikes, etc., the best choice is likely the VSO:

See examples there.

For any kind of tickets for transportation and events, there will be  
the TIO ontology soon (not yet released) and for accommodation, there  
will be a hotels etc. ontology, both specializing GoodRelations. Both  
should be available shortly.
The domain ontology for hotels etc. will only be needed to model the  
hotel room features etc. in more detail.

Note that you can directly model any kind of rental offers with  
GoodRelations, using

foo:offer a gr:Offering ;
     gr:hasBusinessFunction gr:LeaseOut.

Interesting properties for your purpose are

gr:advanceBookingRequirement (relative pre-booking period)
gr:validFrom (Booking period)
gr:availabilityEnds (Period of the stay)
gr:availableAtOrFrom (link to the locations)
gr:eligibleDuration (time interval - number of days, min/max)

Here is a quick sketch of modeling a hotel in GoodRelations:

@prefix gr: <>.
@prefix default: <>.
@prefix xsd: <>.
@prefix rdfs: <>.
@prefix foaf: <>.

# Company

   a gr:BusinessEntity ;
   gr:legalName "Hotel UniBw Ltd." ;
   foaf:page <> ;
   gr:hasPOS default:HotelUniBw ;
   gr:offers default:SpecialChristmasOffer.

# Location

   a gr:LocationOfSalesOrServiceProvisioning ;
   rdfs:label "Hotel Neubiberg".

# Offering
# We rent double rooms for 99 EUR / night

   a gr:Offering ;
   gr:validFrom "2009-12-20T00:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; # this is the  
validity of the offer, not of the room
   gr:validThrough "2010-01-06T23:59:59"^^xsd:dateTime ;
   gr:hasBusinessFunction gr:LeaseOut ;
   gr:includes default:SomeDoubleDeluxeRooms ;
   gr:hasPriceSpecification default:SuperRate ;
   gr:acceptedPaymentMethods gr:Cash , gr:MasterCard.

# Price

   a gr:UnitPriceSpecification ;
   gr:hasCurrency "EUR"^^xsd:string ;
   gr:hasCurrencyValue "99.00"^^xsd:float ;
   gr:validFrom "2009-12-20T00:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
   gr:validThrough "2009-12-20T23:59:59"^^xsd:dateTime ;.

# Room

   a gr:ProductOrServicesSomeInstancesPlaceholder ;
   rdfs:label "Double Deluxe Room".


On 18.10.2010, at 21:10, Juan Sequeda wrote:

> Hi Everybody
> Can somebody recommend me an ontology/vocabulary to describe travel,  
> accommodations, etc? The only thing I can find is the travel  
> ontology that is used for tutorial purposes in Protege.
> Thanks!
> Juan Sequeda
> +1-575-SEQ-UEDA

Received on Monday, 18 October 2010 19:43:54 UTC