Re: SPARQL 1.1 query question

  You can try this yourself with ARQ. Your query uses the property 
abc:hasMember, which makes sense in the context of each triple, but your 
data uses the the property abc:hasMembers, so the query won't find them. 
Once those were corrected in the data and the prefixes were declared, 
the following query did what you wanted:

   PREFIX abc: <>
   SELECT ?league (COUNT (?member) AS ?membercount)
   WHERE {
     ?league abc:hasMember ?member .
   } GROUP BY ?league


On 10/7/2010 12:02 PM, Michael Ransom wrote:
> Hello All,
> I have a question about SPARQL 1.1 queries.
> If have the following triples:
> :LeagueA abc:hasMembers :Alice,
> :Bob,
> :Carol .
> :LeagueB abc:hasMembers :Dante,
> :Edward.
> If I want the following table of results:
> ?league          ?membercount
> LeagueA          3
> LeagueB          2
> Given the data and my desired results, will the following SPARQL 1.1
> query work?
> SELECT ?league (COUNT(?member) AS ?membercount)
> SELECT ?league ?member
> ?league abc:hasMember ?member . } GROUP BY ?league
> }
> Whether or not this query works, is there a way I can write this query
> without a subquery?
> Thank you.

Received on Friday, 8 October 2010 14:44:34 UTC