SPARQL 1.1 query question

Hello All,

I have a question about SPARQL 1.1 queries.

If have the following triples:

:LeagueA abc:hasMembers :Alice,
:Carol .
:LeagueB abc:hasMembers :Dante,

If I want the following table of results:

?league          ?membercount
LeagueA          3
LeagueB          2

Given the data and my desired results, will the following SPARQL 1.1
query work?

SELECT ?league (COUNT(?member) AS ?membercount)
SELECT ?league ?member
?league abc:hasMember ?member . } GROUP BY ?league

Whether or not this query works, is there a way I can write this query
without a subquery?

Thank you.
Michael Ransom
Revelytix, Inc.
Work: 410.584.0099
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Skype: michael.evan.ransom

Received on Thursday, 7 October 2010 17:32:54 UTC