Re: Call for Chapters: Linking Government Data

Hi Kingsley,
I hope the following context answers your question since I'm familiar with the details ...  

In the spirit of transparency, we are looking for ways to raise the profile of successful projects in order to increase credibility of the SemWeb/LD community. A book like this doesn't generate the editor or authors money per se, rather it raises the profile of these projects & builds towards our common objectives in a credible manner.

Author's individual names were listed in the table of contents with the chapter title, not their affiliation or organization.  We hope the book will be very representative of all nations involved in Linking Data, including their motivations, approaches and lessons learned.  The first book (LED) is very diverse IMO.

But back to the money since we are talking transparency. The editor will do most of the work upfront (call for papers, coordination, peer review, mark up, etc).  The editor then finds a suitable publisher, enter into a contract, negotiate the details on publication timeline, rights, fees, etc.    In the case of the LED book, Dave stands to earn < $10/hr for the hours he spent organizing the call for chapters, working with at least three peers to review/edit each chapter, putting the book into LaTeX, etc.  It is a labor of love so to speak ... 

I doubt Springer will make the NY Times best seller list  with the Linking Enterprise Data book[1], but when books and conferences happen around a topic, it is perceived as having a market which helps legitimize our efforts.

We promise to continue looking for innovative ways to make content like this available for linked data producers & consumers, as are more & more people each day around the world.  

As John said, it is entirely up to you if you wish to contribute but *no one* is editing and/or writing a chapter for the money.


Bernadette Hyland
CEO, Talis, Inc.
Tel. +1-540-898-6410


On Oct 7, 2010, at 12:21 PM, Kingsley Idehen wrote:

> On 10/7/10 11:42 AM, John Erickson wrote:
>> Will all due respect, as with any monograph this is a call to
>> *contribute*; the benefits if accepted are being part of an important
>> work. Recipients are free to not submit!
> John,
> My question still stands? Who benefits from the sale of the book? No harm in investing a little more time about the expanse of the value chain graph.
> Time is money. Time is a fixed component that is eternally scarce. Time is the ultimate problem. From these problems come opportunities and opportunity costs.
> People don't always have enough time to figure our the density of any given value graph or its superficial value chain. Finding out vital details  *after* you've committed time and effort typically leads to bad-will.
> Let's be clear about this stuff. That's all I seek. Transparency hasn't killed anyone or made enemies of friends, not the case with opacity!
> Kingsley
>> On Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 11:23 AM, Kingsley Idehen<>  wrote:
>>> On 10/7/10 10:02 AM, David Wood wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Please find below a Call for Chapters for a new contributed book to be
>>> entitled Linking_Government_Data.  Please distribute this information as
>>> widely as possible to help us collect useful success stories, techniques and
>>> benefits to using Linked Data in governments.  Thanks in advance.
>>> Regards,
>>> Dave
>>> --
>>> David Wood announces a Call for Chapters for a new book to be entitled
>>> Linking Government Data. First proposal submissions are due November 30,
>>> 2010 to
>>> The book is intended to be published in print, ebooks format and on the Web,
>>> but a publisher has not yet been chosen. More than one publisher is
>>> interested.
>>> 1st Proposal Submission Deadline: November 30, 2010
>>> Full Chapter Submission Deadline: March 1, 2010
>>> Linking Government Data
>>> A book edited by David Wood, Talis, USA
>>> I. Introduction
>>> Linking Government Data is the application of Semantic Web architecture
>>> principles to real-world information management issues faced by government
>>> agencies. The term LGD is a play on Linking Open Data (LOD), a community
>>> project started by the World Wide Web Consortium’s Semantic Web Education
>>> and Outreach Interest Group aimed at exposing data sets to the Web in
>>> standard formats and actively relating them to one another with hyperlinks.
>>> Data in general is growing at a much faster rate than traditional
>>> technologies allow. The World Wide Web is the only information system we
>>> know that scales to the degree that it does and is robust to both changes
>>> and failure of components. Most software does not work nearly as well as the
>>> Web does. Applying the Web’s architectural principles to government
>>> information distribution programs may be the only way to effectively address
>>> the current and future information glut. Challenges remain, however, because
>>> the publication of data to the Web requires government agencies to give up
>>> the central control and planning traditionally applied by IT departments.
>>> A primary goal of this book is to highlight both costs and benefits to
>>> broader society of the publication of raw data to the Web by government
>>> agencies. How might the use of government Linked Data by the Fourth Estate
>>> of the public press change societies?
>>> How can agencies fulfill their missions with less cost? How must
>>> intra-agency culture change to allow public presentation of Linked Data?
>>> This book follows the successful publication of Linking Enterprise Data by
>>> Springer Science+Business Media in October 2011.
>>> II. Objective of the Book
>>> This book aims to provide practical approaches to addressing common
>>> information management issues by the application of Semantic Web and Linked
>>> Data research to government environments and to report early experiences
>>> with the publication of Linked Data by government agencies. The approaches
>>> taken are based on international standards. The book is to be written and
>>> edited by leaders in Semantic Web and Linked Data research and standards
>>> development and early adopters of Semantic Web and Linked Data standards and
>>> techniques.
>>> III. Target Audience
>>> This book is meant for Semantic Web researchers and academicians, and CTOs,
>>> CIOs, enterprise architects, project managers and application developers in
>>> commercial, not-for-profit and government organizations concerned with
>>> scalability, flexibility and robustness of information management systems.
>>> Not-for-profit organizations specifically include the library and museum
>>> communities.
>>> Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following: – social,
>>> technical and mission values of applying Web architecture to government
>>> content, such as the means by which deployment agility, resilience and reuse
>>> of data may be accomplished – Relating to other eGov initiatives – Building
>>> of social (human-centered) communities to curate distributed data –
>>> Enterprise infrastructure for Linking Government Data – Persistent
>>> Identifiers – Linking the government cloud – Applications of Linked Data to
>>> government transparency, organizational learning or curation of/access to
>>> distributed information – Publishing large-scale Linked Data.
>>> Contributions from those working with government Linked Data projects of all
>>> sizes are sought. Many stories exist from the U.S. and U.K. government
>>> agencies, but contributions from Estonia, Germany, New Zealand, Norway, etc,
>>> etc, are more than welcome.
>>> IV. Publisher
>>> The book is intended to be published in print, ebooks format and on the Web,
>>> but a publisher has not yet been chosen. More than one publisher is
>>> interested. This book is expected to be published in late 2011.
>>> V. Proposals
>>> Proposals for chapters should consist of a summary of intended material,
>>> approximately 1-2 pages in length. Please provide a working chapter title,
>>> authors names and affiliations, relevant experience with Linked Data
>>> projects for a government entity (or approaches applicable to such entities)
>>> and a description of the proposed chapter’s contents.
>>> VI. Important Dates
>>> November 30, 2010: Proposal Submission Deadline
>>> December 22, 2010: Notification of Proposal Acceptance
>>> February 28, 2011: Full Chapter Submission
>>> March 21, 2011: Review Results Notification
>>> April 15, 2011: Revised Chapter Submission
>>> May 1, 2011: Final Decision Notification
>>> May 15, 2010: Final Revised and Formatted Chapter Submission
>>> Inquiries and submissions should be sent by electronic mail to:
>>> David Wood (
>>> VP Engineering
>>> Talis Inc.
>>> David,
>>> Who gets paid for this book? I am assuming that this book is commercial
>>> rather than free?
>>> --
>>> Regards,
>>> Kingsley Idehen	
>>> President&  CEO
>>> OpenLink Software
>>> Web:
>>> Weblog:
>>> Twitter/ kidehen
> -- 
> Regards,
> Kingsley Idehen	
> President&  CEO
> OpenLink Software
> Web:
> Weblog:
> Twitter/ kidehen

Received on Thursday, 7 October 2010 18:19:58 UTC