Re: adds GoodRelations in RDFa to 900,000 item pages

  Il 07/10/2010 18:27, Kingsley Idehen ha scritto:
>>  For instance,  you could clearly see
>> as a signifier for a city.  Some people would make the assertion that
>> dbpedia:Beijing owl:sameAs ookaboo:topic/28999/Beijing.
>> and that's not entirely stupid.  On the other hand,  it's definitely 
>> true that
>> ookaboo:topic/28999/Beijing is sioc:ImageGallery.
>> Put something true together with a practice that's common and you get 
>> the absurd result that
>> dbpedia:Beijing is sioc:ImageGallery.
> Hopefully my response clears this all up, at least a little :-)
We recently discussed about similar issues, anyway it's still quite 
obsure for me why this:

dbpedia:Beijing owl:sameAs ookaboo:topic/28999/Beijing .
ookaboo:topic/28999/Beijing rdf:type sioc:ImageGallery.

=> dbpedia:Beijing rdf:type sioc:ImageGallery.

is not a problem.

Roberto Mirizzi

Received on Thursday, 7 October 2010 16:52:28 UTC