Deltas of RDF files from Sindice or other site?

Dear all,

is there a way of obtain the changes to RDF graphs over time, e.g., from 
Sindice? I.e., that I not only see

> _:p1 foaf:knows _:p2, _:p3

but rather

> [ rdf:subject _:p1; rdf:predicate foaf:knows; rdf:object _:p2; dc:date "sometime long ago" ]
> [ rdf:subject _:p1; rdf:predicate foaf:knows; rdf:object _:p3; dc:date "more recently" ]

It'd be so useful to have such information (maybe using more appropriate 
vocabulary) to somehow build something social like the Facebook Wall or 
something based on FOAF. I'm currently collecting such data myself with 
the input of PSTW, but maybe it has already been done?

Thanks + cheers

Received on Friday, 1 October 2010 17:23:14 UTC