Re: isDefinedBy and isDescribedBy, Tale of two missing predicates

Leigh Dodds wrote:
> On 5 November 2010 12:43, Nathan <> wrote:
>> Dave Reynolds wrote:
>>> Clearly simply using # URIs solves this but people can be surprisingly
>>> reluctant to go that route.
>> Why? I still don't understand the reluctance, any info on the technical
>> non-made-up-pedantic reasons would be great.
> Dave provided a pointer to TimBL's discussion which had some comments,
> there's also some brief discussion of the technical issues in the Cool
> URIs paper, see [1]
> [1].

Thanks Leigh!


TimBLs Discussion [1]

   some people wanting to use RDF for large systems found that they
   didn't want to use the "#". This was sometimes because the number
   of things defined in the same file was too low (like 1) or too large
   (like a million) and it was difficult to divide up the information
   into middle-sized chunks. Or they just didn't like the "#" because
   it looks weird.

The first reason is moot because you can have a single frag uri in a 
single document, a million, or middle sized document. If the point was 
more that if you have a million #frag's in a single doc and you want to 
refactor that in to several docs, then (1) you can, just assert it so in 
rdf, and (2) don't do that in the first place.
The second reason isn't a reason.

Cool URIs

   A client interested only in #product123 will inadvertently load the
   data for all other resources as well, because they are in the same

could also be seen as an advantage, especially in a follow your nose web.

Nothing else is listed, only very valid technical arguments against 303s 
and the negative impacts of using them.

Any advance?


Received on Friday, 5 November 2010 13:51:15 UTC