Re: National Identification Number URIs ( NIN URIs )


On 08/03/2010 01:15, "Kingsley Idehen" <> wrote:

> Aldo Bucchi wrote:
>> Hi,
>> All countries have a National Identification Number scheme ( NIN ).
>> Also, all countries have code points in different schemes.
>> So, can't we combine both to create a de-facto URI for people based on
>> country ids?
>> For example:
>> That would be me based on my Chilean NIN.
>> Is there some namespace for this already?
> Don't use DBpedia namespace in this manner.
> Why not encourage people to do this:
Although superficially a nice idea, for me the answer to your question would
be that it would not longer be Linked Data.
Design Issue Number 2 ( says:
"Use HTTP URIs so that people can look up those names."
I wholeheartedly agree with this statement.
doi, urn suck.
It is hard to work out what they mean (resolve), and even if I can it is not
a distributed (web) system.

But I do agree that subverting dbpedia for this would not be a good thing to

Maybe okkam or another project/company wants to step into the gap?

> The data can then live in an RDF store that can make de-referencable
> URIs via re-write rules when it comes to the Linked Data publishing.
> This also means the data can ultimately live in a place controlled by
> the Chilean govt. without much hassle, when its ready etc..
>> When you have real world problems, like we have now in Chile, it is
>> simple solutions like these that would make integration easier.
> Yes, but do it right from the onset as per tip above :-)
> Kingsley
>> For example, we have assigned a NS for chilean IDs. But some of the
>> missing people here are tourists and we the only IFP we have is their
>> national ID ( not emails ).
>> Thx,
>> A

Received on Monday, 8 March 2010 01:33:48 UTC