Re: Crowdsourcing request 2: Crisis platform data from

Hello Aldo,

I tried to generate RDF/Turtle from CSV dump of 536 records, resulting
5085 triples. All URIs are just minted for this. Please see the file

best regards,

2010/3/4 Aldo Bucchi <>:
> Hi,
> Here's another RDF conversion task that is in the queue and it falls
> in the public domain.
> Ushahidi is a crisis management platform that has been used in the
> Haiti crisis and other and is being used in Chile as well via
> It provides a facility to download the data as CSV from:
> Again, the requirement is to transform this to RDF using pertinent
> ontologies and doing it as richly as possible
> We then slurp it into a Virtuoso instance where we will try to link
> this with main organizational entities in the country and data from
> other feeds.
> Anyone? :)
> Thanks!
> A

@prefix : <> . <> :from [:name
"KANZAKI Masahide"; :nick "masaka"; :email ""].

Received on Thursday, 4 March 2010 16:08:30 UTC