Re: The Counter Ontology

On Wed, 21 Jul 2010 14:07:25 +0200
Bob Ferris <> wrote:

> Finally, what do you think should we use now: rdf:value and some 
> restrictions on it for co:Counter or co:count as it is already
> defined + a cardinality restriction of 1 on co:Counter for co:count?

I'm indifferent as to which you should use.

Was merely pointing out that OWL allows you to set effective range
and functional property requirements on rdf:value almost as easily as
it allows you to do so on a custom property.

> Your second statement (... owl:cardinality 1 ...) restricts the 
> existence of co:count. That means this property must exist for every 
> co:Counter instance.

That seems sensible to me. The open world assumption means that even
though a co:count *exists* for every co:Counter, it is not necessarily
the case that every description of the co:Counter includes the co:count.

For example, a cardinality restriction on a hypothetical foaf:bloodtype
property for foaf:Persons would mean that every person has a blood
type, but it doesn't mean that every RDF file mentioning a foaf:Person
must provide the person's blood type.

Even if you won't want to use owl:cardinality, there's always

Toby A Inkster

Received on Wednesday, 21 July 2010 12:36:21 UTC