Re: The Counter Ontology

Hi Toby,

Am 21.07.2010 13:48, schrieb Toby Inkster:
> On Tue, 20 Jul 2010 14:56:05 +0200
> Bob Ferris<>  wrote:
>> How can I make sure that the value of my counter concept is of the
>> type xsd:Integer?
> co:Counter
> 	rdfs:subClassOf [
> 		a owl:Restriction ;
> 		owl:onProperty rdf:value ;
> 		owl:allValuesFrom xsd:integer
> 	] ;
> 	# and to say that it's a functional property...
> 	rdfs:subClassOf [
> 		a owl:Restriction ;
> 		owl:onProperty rdf:value ;
> 		owl:cardinality 1
> 	] .

co:count is already an owl:FunctionalProperty and the rdfs:range of this 
property is only xsd:Integer. Hence, there should be no other type 
possible, or? I think owl:someValuesFrom and owl:allValueFrom should be 
used, when there is a owl:unionOf range of a property that is in the 
domain of a concept.
Your second statement (... owl:cardinality 1 ...) restricts the 
existence of co:count. That means this property must exist for every 
co:Counter instance. I thought also about adding this restriction to 
co:Counter, because co:count is the necessary value (That's why maybe 
also Vasiliy's thoughts rdf:value) of this concept.
Without this restriction the range of co:count is currently [0..1].

Finally, what do you think should we use now: rdf:value and some 
restrictions on it for co:Counter or co:count as it is already defined + 
a cardinality restriction of 1 on co:Counter for co:count?




Received on Wednesday, 21 July 2010 12:08:03 UTC