Re: Hungarian National Library published its entire OPAC and Digital Library as Linked Data


This is *so* impressive, and terribly exciting--thanks for announcing
it!  I think both the National Library of Hungary combined with the
Royal Library of Sweden make a very compelling case for the use of
Linked Data in libraries, particularly hubs in the bibliographic data

I did have a few questions after quickly taking a look at the site:

- have you considered adding a sitemap [1] to to aid
robots in crawling the rdf/xml you have published? I think it could be
quite handy, and would allow people (other than yourself) to build
sparql views on your rdf data if they want it. I would be willing to
construct a partial example if you need one.
- it looks like some of your name authority records have been mapped
to dbpedia? Have any of the subjects been mapped? Can you comment on
how you did the mapping, how easy it was, and whether you have any
other plans for linking your data?
- have you written anywhere about the technical approach that you
arrived at for enabling this linked data publishing? Were there enough
links in your existing data to create the triples as an export format?
Or did you have to port some data to a new datastore?
- in your digital library i see you've got pdfs and other files that
are related to digital object being described, have you thought about
possible using the oai-ore vocabulary [2] to attach the descriptions
to the files being described? It could potentially help make the
digital objects as well as their metadata easily harvested.

On that last point I guess I'm just suggesting something like:

    dc:creator <>, "Jókai
Mór,, (1825-1904.)" ;
    dc:date "cop. 2006" ;
    dc:description """
Működési követelmények: Adobe Reader / MS Reader
""", "Főcím a címképernyőről", "Szöveg (pdf : 1.2 MB) (lit : 546 KB)" ;
    dc:format "" ;
    dc:identifier "", "963-606-169-6 (pdf)", "963-606-170-X (lit)" ;
    dc:language "hun" ;
    dc:publisher "Szentendre : Mercator Stúdió" ;
    dc:subject <>,
"magyar irodalom." ;
    dc:title "Dekameron" ;
    dc:type "book", "elbeszélés.", "elektronikus dokumentum.", "no
type provided" ;
<> .

Anyhow, way to go. Sorry for all the questions. I hope you will be
presenting this work at IFLA or some other library technology
conferences soon. Kudos to you, your team, Martin and Antoine for
helping make this happen.



Received on Tuesday, 13 April 2010 18:33:07 UTC