Re: [Patterns] Materialize Inferences (was Re: Triple materialization at publisher level)

Hi Leigh,

Your description of the pattern is clear and accurate, I think. I only
have one comment.

> For example the publisher of a SKOS vocabulary may publish transitive
> relations between SKOS concepts, but opt not to include additional
> properties (e.g. that every skos:prefLabel is also an rdfs:label)

I thought rdfs:label was the "official" way to publish a label for a
resource. Just checked: neither Tabulator 0.8.7 nor Sindice's Web Data
Inspector[1] interpret skos:prefLabel on its own as a label for the
resource. Since almost any Linked Data client can have some use for a
label, I think this is one of the prime candidates for explicit
materialization. I also think this could be added to the section[2]
where you advocate the use of skos:prefLabel--i.e. use it to indicate
the preferred label to those clients that understand it, but don't
forget to materialize rdfs:label for those that don't.


Vasiliy Faronov

Received on Wednesday, 7 April 2010 09:46:05 UTC