Fwd: Social Web Bar Camp in Santa Clara Monday November 2nd


Members of the W3C Social Web Incubator group have organised a Bar  
Camp  taking place in Santa Clara on November 2nd. It is open to all,  
inside and outside of Sun.

What is this about?

Imagine a world where everybody could participate easily in a  
distributed yet secure social web. In such a world every individual  
will control their own information, and every business could enter  
into a conversation with customers, researchers, government agencies  
and partners as easily as they can now start a conversation with  
someone on Facebook. What is needed to go in the direction of The  
Internet of Subjects Manifesto? What existing technologies can we  
build on? What is missing? What could the W3C contribute? What could  
others do? [1]

Personally I will hope to be presenting a simple solution using only  
existing web standards -  HTTP, semantic web, and ssl that is easy to  
implement - (we have them in perl, python, php, java, ...) and that  
enables this distributed yet secure Social World.

It is a Bar Camp, and so the precise agenda will be determined by the  
participants. Join and contribute to the future of an interconnected  
social web!

Could you all forward this to any people you think it might interest,  
and ask them to forward it too, tweet about it, or whatever is needed  
to get the message out? :-)

	Thanks in advance,


[1] see my blog http://blogs.sun.com/bblfish/entry/november_2nd_join_the_social

PS. I'll be over the whole of November until early December in the Bay  
Area, and look forward to working with anyone who wished to push this  
vision along.

Social Web Architect
Sun Microsystems		
Blog: http://blogs.sun.com/bblfish

Begin forwarded message:
> Please forward to interested parties!
> There will be a Social Web Camp in Sun Offices in Santa Clara on  
> Monday November 2. It's is being hosted by SUN Microsystems and  
> organized by Henry Story of SUN Microsystems and Daniel Appelquist  
> of Vodafone, co-chair of the W3C Social Web XG.
> Register at: http://barcamp.org/SocialWebCamp-Santa-Clara
> When: Monday, 2nd of November 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
> Where:
> 	The Auditorium at Sun's Campus,
> 	Santa Clara,
> 	95054 California
> All topics related to the Social Web will be covered, in a bar-camp
> style. It will be broad and open to all types of participants.

Social Web Architect
Sun Microsystems		
Blog: http://blogs.sun.com/bblfish

Received on Friday, 16 October 2009 22:31:31 UTC