Re: Guerilla science: what can we do in 10 days?

On 25 May 2009, at 14:37, joel sachs wrote:

> 1. Have you considered putting the species name inside the URLs for  
> the pages? This would simplify human interaction with the data;  
> would there be a downside?

While that seems like a useful idea, I wanted to use the same  
identifiers as IUCN do.


This means you can just use their search engine.

Also, I have some indices which may be of use:

> 2. I notice that the URI
> does not yet exist.

Nothing under /2009/terms/ exists yet - I don't intend to put  
anything there until I've figured out IUCN's licensing policy for  
this data, as it would be a shame to do all that work and then find I  
have to take it down.

Toby A Inkster

Received on Monday, 25 May 2009 21:35:43 UTC