Re: looking for an event ontology/vocabulary

On 29 Jul 2009, at 17:54, Yves Raimond wrote:

> Also, we are perfectly open for improvements, so if you have any
> suggestions for improvement or better description of terms, feel free.
> There is even an open SVN (motools project on Sourceforge, in the
> event subdirectory), where you can directly commit stuff.

A few of us have been using Yves' events ontology as a basis for an  
activities vocabulary (e.g. watched, listened, read, blogged). For the  
purposes of defining activities I'm finding it a useful way to connect  
a timestamped grouping of agent, inputs and outputs. We have been  
putting the result to some practical uses (prototyping through  
flexible queries over linked data).

I know that events are difficult and complex things to model, having  
made one foray into event modeling with iCalendar some years ago and  
only really touched the surface.

In this case, we have tried to take a pragmatic approach, partially  
modeling the things we are interested in to the degree of complexity  
that we think is useful. We've been using sparql queries to define  
what is expected from data that uses the terms we have defined, and  
this for our purposes has given us something interesting to work with,  
and perhaps also addresses some of the issues around documentation.


Received on Wednesday, 29 July 2009 19:52:01 UTC