Re: owl:sameAs links from OpenCyc to WordNet

> I thought maybe SKOS [1] might have a suitable term, but alas not. The
> nearest I can find on a quick vocab skim (see [2]) are variations on
> 'label', but these are unsuitable not only because they're a bit weak,
> but also because their range is a literal. So +1 to making up a custom
> term.

I would suggest using rdfs:seeAlso. I know, I know, usually people complain 
that rdfs:seeAlso is too generic and demand that the community should come 
up with some kind of "is quite similar to" predicate (this has been going on 
for a while now and to my knowledge there are still no serious outcomes). In 
contrast, I would still prefer an established, generic property to something 
that needs to be invented anew. rdfs:seeAlso is established (which also 
means that people are more likely to re-use it then something you create in 
your own little namespace), and it is also understood by some existing 
applications. If all of us are starting to create our own "is quite similar 
to" predicates, we are probably worse off than just using rdfs:seeAlso. The 
semantics of these "is quite similar to" relations would probably be so 
fuzzy that they would hardly be any more precise and useful than 
rdfs:seeAlso, anyways.

Matthias Samwald

DERI Galway, Ireland

Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution & Cognition Research, Austria 

Received on Monday, 23 February 2009 18:39:53 UTC