Re: owl:sameAs links from OpenCyc to WordNet

On 23/2/09 18:53, David Baxter wrote:
> Hi all,
> We at Cycorp have been publishing owl:sameAs links from our OpenCyc
> concepts to WordNet synsets, e.g.
> <> owl:sameAs
> <>
> We've done so with the idea that the WordNet synset represents the same
> concept as the OpenCyc term (i.e. the South Asian country in this case),
> and contains further relevant information that complements what is
> available in OpenCyc, e.g.
> "is a member of OPEC" (OK, this one's of dubious value, but it might be
> useful if it were true)
> "is a member of the British Commonwealth"
> "is a part of Asia"
> However, WordNet also contains assertions about the "India" synset that
> seem strange to assert about the country, e.g.
> "is an instance of NounSynset"
> "contains WordSense 'Republic of India 1'"
> We'd like to know what the general feeling in the LOD community is about
> these links. Is there any precedent or consensus about the best way to
> link from ontologies such as OpenCyc's to WordNet? Is anyone finding
> these links useful and/or harmful?
> Thanks for any input.

This particular representation of Wordnet isn't structured as an 
ontology describing the world at large. Instead, it the domain of the 
ontology is natural language (basically English plus similar).  So an 
owl:sameAs is probably not what you're wanting. Even statements about 
class membership are a bit awkward given this difference in scope.

FWIW I used to have a more class-centric representation of Wordnet's "is 
a kind of" hierarchy on, but this is currently offline, and 
needs updating to use the cleaner Wordnet 2.x work.

Having these associations is still great, so thanks for all the work 
putting this together. I'd suggest making up a custom relationship name 
for now to link from a class to a related Wordnet synset.




Received on Monday, 23 February 2009 18:10:32 UTC