voiD 1.0 guide comments


I was asked by mhausenblas on #swig on freenode to let you know what I
envision by 'authentication of ownership of resources', but I came to
conclusion that this is irrelevant for voiD - authentication could be
useful for mirrored datasets, but since voiD is completely rdf-based,
general rdf trust vocabulary should be used (anyone know of one
good/widely used?).

Anyway these are my comments on voiD guide (hopefully constructive
criticism :)

In the article I haven't found a solid definition of what is a dataset
and when to use another dataset/subset. I think this has to be clearly
From what I understood, the publisher which is the "primary key" of

I think that it should be emphasized that categorizing datasets should
only be used, if the data in it are somewhat homogeneous - the
categorization applies to all of it.
I guess the categorization it is fairly unusable in use cases like
personal website, because the information are various...

Another thing - dataset partitioning. Combination of dataset
categorization and partitioning led me to great confusion - I have
thought voiD also wanted to categorize the data in the dataset.
Better to put a notice that partitioning should be used carefully and
that it was designed for mirroring of datasets.

Best regards,
Jiri Prochazka

PS: Please send the replies also directly to me, as I am not subscribed
to this list.

Received on Sunday, 1 February 2009 21:05:18 UTC